Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Popular Peony Bloom Begins May 28, 2019

One of the most popular old fashioned perennials is the Fragrant Peony. Stage 1 of the blom is when the tight bulb forms and the ants start crawling on the colorful tightly wound bud. The bud is almost a perfect globe. The sun is so bright today, the flowers are starting to open. I have a hot pink, white and two tone peony.

Caesars Brother Blooming in Garden of Deegan May 28. 2019

Caesars Brother is a prolific Siberian Iris bloomer, with an ever increasing audience of stems and thick, almost stump like base of roots. It is quick in its drama but worth the experience. Many of natures beauties are like this. You enjoy them for the moment and get a few great pictures. You almost need a Bob-cat to dig them out and thin them. It is time to thin this one. Not sure how I will accomplish this. A chain saw would be perfect.

This view shows the other tall stems, so you get an idea of how full the 
'bush' is.